martes, 25 de enero de 2011

English and technology

 English is a language originating in northwestern Europe, which belongs to the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages and was developed in England, releasedfrom its origin in the British Isles and many of its former overseas colonies.


Technology is the set of technical, scientific, allowing design and create goods orservices that facilitate adaptation to the environment and meet the needs of people.

Since English is constituted in the language of science and technology, millions ofpeople use it to relate,
work and prosper. Enriches your knowledge, open new development opportunities,expands horizons and individual
groups, constitutes a valuable tool and a means of access to universal knowledge and
cooperation among people.

I served for Englis

English is not used to have prior knowledge of the things said in a language different from ours, so it is important now to know EnglishI follow the English with many benefits for the person performing it because now there are many things that are already written in this language and we should know what it means and not only read but to speak write and pronounce these basics are essentialfor learning English and now we do not give much importance has this, but further downyou really need it there so we think that our teacher had the right to demand in this areaalthough this language is difficult but with effort and dedication that you put in front willhave this one in front.


The music is a combination of sounds and rhythms enjoyable for everyone  who hearswhy there is different style of music for everyone. Not everyone likes music as  hard rock,metal, eletronica, among others.              the music has changed from generation to generationin the                       rhythm of the melody in the form of expression of each singer. Stands out a lotlately music with electronic sounds that make                                   music more pleasant for young people.

1 comentario:

  1. Your write is good, but I can not see yourself point of view.
    Your average is 80%
